Our Thoughts On Instagram Threads
Just a couple of weeks ago (July 2023), META launched their new platform Threads with a bang attracting over 15 Million people to download the app within a matter of days.
Being social media managers, it was a no-brainer to jump straight on board to see what all the hype was all about.
Will it topple Twitter or will it implode like Clubhouse….?
What Is Threads?
Threads is a brand new social media app, built by the Instagram team designed for sharing text updates and joining public conversations. So basically it’s their take on Twitter (and Elon is NOT happy about it!)
How Does It Work?
Well, just like Twitter, it’s for sharing short, sharp, and shiny updates and a way of starting conversations with your target audience.
Early adopters of the app quickly likened the vibe to the very early days of social media where people and businesses posted light hearted updates and the feel was almost like a comedy fest in the first few days.
If you’re looking for an answer on how does it work from a strategy perspective, it’s too early to say.
You’re unable to use hashtags on Threads at the moment (although appreantly that’s coming) and pretty much everyone on the app (apart from those who are savvy users of Twitter) know what to post. Everyone else just seems to be faking it until they make it!
What We Like About It
We like that the content so far seems to be friendly, upbeat, and easy to digest.
Sharing and reposting Threads is made very simple and there is an opportunity if you’re willing to invest time on it to create new relationships and connections.
There are no bots, ads, or scammers on there as yet however given time, they will no doubt all make an appearance.
What We Don’t Like About It
In the FOMO rush, it seems we got stitched up (get it!) when joining Threads as deleting the app will also delete your Instagram account. Note to selves, read the T & C’s next time!
It’s also time consuming and with the amount of daily content to create and digest, do we really need another app to be present on?
There also seems to be little way of creating a strategy as we’re so used to content rich visual posts and so for many businesses, it’s arguably a useless platform for them to be on.
Aside from the initial friendly vibes, we’ve made the decision not to invest too much time on this app as we don’t want to dilute our commitment to our existing community on Instagram.
It really will be interesting to see where this app does lead. Will Elon be shaking in his boots? Will Threads to the death knell to Twitter? Time will only tell….